Online communities and contentplatforms
Modern technology gives the opportunity to make care better. We do this, among other things, with online communities and content platforms, where people feel safe and can find and share information.
Communityplatform of Hoppinger
Sharing experiences
Find medically reliable information in an online library in a user-friendly environment, share experiences and enter into a dialogue with fellow sufferers and professionals. Digital learning can also be supported with an additional e-learning component.
Fast and cost-efficient
Because we build on the standardized components that we have, we set up a proven application with a shorter lead time and lower investment. With proven security and privacy and already optimized based on user feedback.
The integration of machine learning ensures that information and interaction on the community platform or with other platforms and data sources is personalized for the user. This makes the experience extra valuable for the participant.
Interested in an online community?
We are happy to inspire you about the possibilities and opportunities. Contact us for a free consultation!
They preceded you:
Need help with your online community?
Contact Dirk or leave your details. Then we will call you back as soon as possible!